Divorcing with Dignity

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Divorcing with Dignity

Thu, August 17, 2023
12:00 pm
- 1:00 pm



Thu, August 17, 2023 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm


Gorton Center
400 East Illinois Road Lake Forest, IL 60045

This workshop is offered at 12pm and 7pm – Click the purchase button to select the time

Are you or someone you know contemplating a divorce?  This workshop will help you to understand the best options for you and your family.  If a couple can communicate and be fair and reasonable, divorce mediation is a path that allows a couple to make 100% of their own decisions about parenting, financial and property divisions, child support and alimony, while allowing them to greatly minimize the negative impact of their divorce on their most valuable assets, their children.

Mediation is also the least costly and quickest way to get through a divorce in a less stressful manner.  In this session, you will learn about divorce mediation, what it is, how it works, what it requires, and why it is the healthiest and least expensive way to divorce.

If you cannot attend in-person, you can contact Michael Cohen through his website at michaelsmediation.com to meet 1:1 to review this same information in a confidential manner.

Michael Cohen is a divorce mediator in Lake Forest who is dedicated to helping families get through the stressful process of a divorce in the healthiest way for the couple and for their children.  During a successful career leading diverse teams for a large local company, Michael trained at Northwestern University to gain his divorce mediation certification and has built a practice whose purpose is to help others.  Michael is a caring, empathetic leader who will take the time to understand your passions and priorities, and will guide you to help you create the best solutions for you and your families. 

Gorton Center will take and may use photos and videos from this event for its promotional purposes. Your attendance indicates your consent to the above.


Thu, August 17, 2023
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
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Gorton Center
400 East Illinois Road
Lake Forest, IL 60045
(847) 234-6060