Gorton Center - Lake Forest, IL - Winter Wellness Warm Up & Social (Yoga & Live Music)

Winter Wellness Warm Up & Social (Yoga & Live Music)

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Winter Wellness Warm Up & Social (Yoga & Live Music)

Tue, February 6, 2024
7:00 pm
- 8:30 pm


Tue, February 06, 2024 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm




Gorton Center
400 East Illinois Road Lake Forest, IL 60045

Join Areta and Dave for Yoga, Live Music, Wine and More! 

Come out and join us for a gentle yoga class set to the soulful sound of live acoustic guitar.  We will gather in the lovely Stuart room warmed by a roaring fire and  illuminated by candle light. The one hour class will include grounding movements, some breath work and end with a guided meditation together with the healing vibrations of live music, leaving you feeling relaxed and rejuvenated. Plan to stay and enjoy a post wine and cheese social with your community.

Areta has been teaching yoga in Lake Forest and in yoga studios along the North Shore for 10 years and is E-RYT 500 Certified.  Areta’s passion is bringing yoga to Every BODY and has additional certifications in Meditation, Adaptive Yoga for Disabilities, Senior Yoga, Love Your Brain for traumatic brain injury, Yoga for Eating Disorder Recovery, Yin Yoga, and Yoga for 12 Step Recovery.  Areta teaches yoga to inspire and empower physical well-being, spiritual balance, and awakening for everyday life.  She is a long-time resident of Lake Forest and a disability advocate and volunteer yoga coach for the Great Lakes Adaptive Sports Association (GLASA).

Dave Hiltebrand has been a full-time musician for over 25 years. Since graduating from DePaul University School of Music, Dave has had extensive experience as a performer, composer and studio musician. Highlights include the national tour of Jersey Boys, co-writing and co-producing two national top-ten songs, composing work for The Oprah Winfrey Show, Nike and Allstate, TV appearances on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Empire and Betrayal, and tours to South Africa, Cuba, Spain, Italy and Egypt. His debut solo guitar album Yoguitar, Vol. 1 was released in 2016. Dave is currently an adjunct professor of Digital Music at Elmhurst University.
website: www.davehiltebrand.com
Instagram: @davehiltebrand
YouTube: @dave-hiltebrand

Gorton Center will take and may use photos and videos from this event for its promotional purposes. Your attendance indicates your consent to the above.


Tue, February 6, 2024
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
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Gorton Center
400 East Illinois Road
Lake Forest, IL 60045
+ Google Map
(847) 234-6060