Ride The Cyclone is a hilarious and outlandish story about the lives of six teenagers from a Canadian chamber choir cut short in a freak accident aboard a roller coaster. When they awake in limbo, a mechanical fortune teller invites each to tell a story to win a prize like no other — the chance to return to life. A funny, heartfelt, moving look at what makes a life well-lived.
Dates: February 17, 18, 19 and 23, 24, 25
Time: 7:30pm (90 minutes-no intermission)
Tickets: ($22 + handling fee) are on sale at: https://our.show/4chairscyclone
Gorton Center will take and may use photos and videos from this event for its promotional purposes. Your attendance indicates your consent to the above.
Laura Demmer, Director of Development
Ann Kiesling, Development Associate
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