May 13, 2020
May 13, 2020
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We are a community center who thrives on bringing people together. Since we cannot do that in the traditional way, we are finding a “new normal”. We have begun to offer many ways for you to virtually connect with each other and us. We are offering classes, events and films that you can attend from your home – and we will be adding some community-wide fun in the weeks to come! This email contains details of our new offerings – we hope you will find this helpful and enriching. As always, please visit our website for more information. We look forward to being the gathering place in the heart of our community through your computers and other devices.

In an effort to spread some community cheer, we recently changed our fence signs to messages of hope and wellbeing. We have created coordinating yard signs so you can share the cheer as well! Let’s create warm thoughts throughout our community together! We have two design options that will be available to purchase on our website very soon. When you purchase, someone from Gorton will leave one outside your home, and you can put it in your yard.

We are all doing our best to move through this interesting time. We are waiting for this storm to pass, keeping a safe social distance from others. We do not know what the future will hold, but we do know there is a light at the end of the tunnel if we do the right thing – take care of one another and ourselves:

  • Check on your neighbors, especially the elderly. A phone call is all it takes.
  • Make or buy a meal for someone who has lost their job and deliver it to their door.
  • Support local businesses when you can. Or two or three. Many have touch-free ways of getting food and goods to you during this time.
  • Donate to a cause you believe in. Or two or three.
  • Stay home with only the people who live in your home.