Gorton Children’s Learning Center offers our families quality childcare in state-of-the-art, light-filled, age-appropriate classrooms. There are three separate classrooms for three different age groups, each with its own spaces for creative play, reading, crafts, and physical play in an age-appropriate loft area. Each child is given their own locker upon arrival, where they may place personal items at the start of the day.
Preschool Room
Ages later 3 to 5 years
Maximum capacity: 19 children
2 restrooms in classroom
Two’s and Early Three’s Room
Maximum capacity: 16 children
1 restroom in classroom
Infant Toddler Room
Ages 6 weeks to 2 years
Maximum capacity: 12 children
6 cribs for napping children
3 evacuation cribs
Soft lighting to allow for napping children
Each classroom has separate spaces for creative play, reading, crafts and physical play in age-appropriate area
Children may spend time both indoors and out. The Center offers a fenced-in, soft-surfaced, playground on-site for daily play. Our playground has age-appropriate riding activities, a treehouse for toddlers, and a playset for older children. Infants and toddlers also may be taken on walks in our 6-seater, shaded buggies.