Adult Art: Blooming Cactus
Gorton Center 400 East Illinois Road, Lake ForestPaint a flower prickly pear cactus in watercolor during this class. Take a cue from western succulents and mix vibrant colors in warm tones. Finished art will […]
Paint a flower prickly pear cactus in watercolor during this class. Take a cue from western succulents and mix vibrant colors in warm tones. Finished art will […]
Mitigating Financial Risks, Market Fluctuations, Illness, Divorce & Job Loss Health, wealth and happiness are inter-related components to a successful life. This trio indicates not only […]
Learning to breathe is an art form. Allowing the breath to center and rebalance the body & mind is a practice. Meditation helps to focus our […]
Laura Demmer, Director of Development
Ann Kiesling, Development Associate
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